Thursday, February 08, 2007

You're It~

Liza over at Something Something e-mailed yesterday to let me know she had tagged me on a meme. I was happy. Excited. All this time I felt like the wallflower at the school dance waiting on the sidelines to be picked. FINALLY someone tagged me!

Then I saw the meme. Specifically geared towards writers, it requires that the taggee make a contract with him/herself a la....

".... I will make serious attempts to market my work, and do my best to create opportunities in pursuit of my dream to be a "real" writer. I will continue to use my skills to help others, and will continue to use my writing to promote ideas and issues about which I am passionate. . . "

This is all very noble and good and you go girrrrllll Liza! But where are the questions about my favorite ice cream flavor? Or my greatest all time summer vacation? Or how many donuts I can down at one sitting? You mean I got tagged and I actually have to think and write and make promises? Okay:

I promise not to plagiarise or pay other people to write my stories.

I quit. I don't care if I stand on the wall for eternity. I want a meme that will, once and for all, afford me the opportunity to admit to the world my once upon a time wish to hang out with Tony Danza. There!

Your friend, Stefanella


Anonymous said...

You could do that "100 things about me" thing.

Liza said...

Tony Danza? Actually, I suppose I can see that, though it would have to have been before his attempt at being a daytime talk show host... Maybe during the "Taxi" or "Who's the Boss" days.

Why are all his characters named "Tony", anyway? Am I the only one who thought that was strange?

I'll tag you with good memes too. I promise.